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We have several tools to help grow your business

SBA Loans

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Begin your SBA 7(a) Small Business Loan application today.  We’ve streamlined the SBA loan process!
  • Loans from $75K to $20M+ for most real estate and business needs.
  • Stated income, asset based, and full documentation Underwriting available.
  • Rates from 5.75%, fixed terms out to 30 years, with LTVs up to 200%.
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Equipment financing is available for most equipment types and industries with as little as zero down payment. 

Equipment Loans

Cannabis related Business

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As legalized cannabis and marijuana products have spread across the US, many business owners are facing vast opportunities traditional banks aren’t servicing. This has created a growing need for financing cannabis business operations. Whether you are a dispensary, grower, manufacturer, or distributor of legal cannabis products, there is a need for financing to support and accelerate growth. We will take a look at ways to fund your cannabis dispensary, farm facility or other operations related to supporting the legal cannabis industry:
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How to Get Started with ERC

Our team of professionals will help you from start to finish, making sure that you get every dollar back that your business deserves.

Receive Cash Back with the Employee Retention Credit program.

ERC allows businesses to claim payroll tax credits for each employee they retained during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 & 2021. Collectively, your business could be eligible to receive up to $26,000 per employee in refundable taxes. Here’s how the math works —
Qualifications for 2020
50% of qualified wages paid per employee up to $5,000 per employee for that year.
Qualifications for 2021
70% of qualified wages paid per employee up to $21,000 per employee for the year.

Working capital can come in many different forms with a range of features, terms, and repayment options. We’ll work with you to explore the available options to find the funding that best fits your wants, needs, and budget.

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